There is something that causes more problems with your progress as a guitarist than anything else.
It isn’t your lack of ability (natural talent is overrated).
It isn’t your lack of time (you have more time than you realize).
It isn’t the quality of your guitar (that’s a totally lame excuse in 99% of all cases).
It isn’t the book you’re using (I will admit, however, that some guitar method books are only good for burning to keep warm when the power goes out).
It isn’t any of the common excuses people make.
What is it then?
It’s the excuses themselves!
Stop making excuses for yourself.
Excuses are simply reasons we fabricate for not having achieved what we ultimately desire or feel we should have attained already.
We make excuses because we know we should be better than we are.
But ultimately, for many people, excuses are just that.
They don’t reflect what’s really going on.
So, this week’s tip is a dose of tough love.
Stop making excuses.
Start working toward your goals.
When you stop making excuses and start being responsible for your own progress, you can and will achieve great things on the guitar.