You’ve heard the saying, “No pain, no gain.”

In guitar playing, it ain’t true.

Well, not entirely. It depends on what you mean when you say “pain.”

If by pain you mean hard work then yeah, it’s true. Getting to the top of the mountain requires work, sweat, and some pain.

But if you mean pain as in PAIN, no, it’s not true.

In fact, if you feel any pain when you play, you need to S.T.O.P. immediately!!!

Never, ever play through pain.

I’ve seen people end their playing lives because of injuries.

I saw a pianist once who played with pain. She had carpel tunnel in BOTH wrists.

She doesn’t play much anymore.

I know guitarists who have dealt with wrist injuries.

In fact, I’ve deal with a minor wrist injury. It’s annoying, but it doesn’t stop me from playing very often.

I know when to stop.

I stop when it hurts. I don’t dare push through the pain.

Bad, bad, bad idea my friends.

And if you do have pain when you play, go see a doctor! Don’t let it slide.

If you do, you will regret it.

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