Do You Make These Mistakes When Playing Chords?

Mistake #1 – Your fingers land on the wrong notes

You try to change from G to D but that darn 3rd finger just won’t land in the right place – unless you slow waaaaaaay down. And, it doesn’t matter how much you practice, it just keeps happening over and over – and you’re frustrated!

Mistake #2 – You hesitate when changing chords

You hesitate because you either can’t remember where the notes are or because you have to place every finger one at a time, and that prevents you from playing songs..which is why you started learning how to play in the first place, right? I’m sorry to say, but you’ll never play a single song until you overcome this problem.

Mistake #3 – You can’t remember certain chords

You’ve tried to memorize all your chords, but some of them still haven’t “stuck” in your memory, so you have to shuffle through a book or papers to remember what D7 is. It takes away from the joy of playing, doesn’t it?

Mistake #4 – Your chords sound buzzy, bad, or muffled

You can get your fingers on the C chord, but it sounds terrible no matter what you do! You wonder, why do other people sound so good and I sound horrible? Maybe you even wonder if you’re just not talented enough…

Mistake #5 – If you have to change chords quickly, you can’t!

You’d love to play some of your favorite songs but the chords go by too quickly. Before you’ve even got your fingers on the chord, the song has moved on to the next one. You wonder if you’ll even be able to change chords fast enough. It seems…impossible.

If you make any of those 5 mistakes, you need to attend Chord Fluency Training Day

Look, I’ve been there. When I first started playing guitar I literally had to use my other hand to get my fingers in place on the guitar…and it still sounded awful! I struggled for months trying to learn chords…and even after all that time practicing, I still sounded bad.

I vividly remember watching a band on TV and when the guitar player switched to the F chord like it was nothing, I felt like I had seen magic! I couldn’t believe how easy it was for him and felt like I would never be that good.

It took me a long time to learn chords, and having been a teacher for over 15 years, I’ve had lots of people come to me after needlessly struggling with chords for years.

This is why I have developed an effective, easy to follow system for learning chords and chord changes. With my system, you will:

  • Memorize chords quickly using the Chord Wheel
  • Learn how to make chord shapes fluidly and easily
  • Dramatically increase the speed of your chord changes in a short amount of time
  • Develop confidence strumming chords
  • Clean up muted, buzzy notes so your chords sound great
  • Understand exactly why you make mistakes so you can fix them quickly
  • Be able to play tons of songs from beginning to end
  • Understand how to practice so you can make progress even after the workshop is over
  • Have a system for learning that can be applied to any chord – even advanced chords!
  • How a simple free phone app can dramatically increase your speed
  • Learn how to “reprogram your brain” and fix annoying mistakes

In short, at my 4-hour Chord Fluency Training Day you will see measurable progress, guaranteed.

The very first student who used my system saw his ability to change chords improve by over 300% in a single lesson! And, I’ve seen many of my students make similar progress when using my system.

If you’re struggling and want to get past the first big hurdle in becoming the kind of guitar player you want to be, you owe it to yourself to attend this workshop.

Don’t wait another day, make the decision to commit yourself to becoming the kind of player you wish you could be and finally put an end to your struggles with chords. When you sign up, you’ll also get the complete Chord Fluency Training System Binder for you to keep forever (not sold or available anywhere).

This training is limited to small number participants to ensure each person gets plenty of one on one attention.

Here are the details:

When: Saturday, April 19, 2025 from 9am to 2pm
Where: The Olympia School of Guitar, 2635 Parkmont Lane SW Suite F, Olympia, WA 98502
Tuition: $208
Seats: Max of 8 available