Blues Guitar 201 – Next Steps

What you’ll learn

  • Move beyond the basic of blues you learned in Blues Guitar 101
  • Expand upon each concept taught in 101 without getting too complicated or overwhelmed
  • Scales that help you sound more “bluesy” than just the blues scale
  • Simple ways to make your rhythm playing more interesting


Pre-requisite: You must have taken Blues Guitar 101 ***OR*** have a basic understanding of and be able to play through a 12 bar blues.

This course is divided into 6 weekly meetings, each of which covers a different aspect of blues guitar.

  • Week 1: Adding Interest to the 12 Bar Blues
  • Week 2: Blues Chords – Beyond the Basics
  • Week 3: More than just the Blues Scale
  • Week 4: How to Improvise, Part 1
  • Week 5: How to Improvise, Part 2
  • Week 6: Turnarounds

Take the Blues Guitar 102 course if you want to:

  • Play the 12-bar blues with confidence (and know how to spice it up if you want)
  • Go beyond noodling on the pentatonic scale (without having to learn a bajillion scales)
  • Learn how to make your improvisation sound like the blues (and not like scales)
  • Play with others in class every week

Here’s all the rest of the info you need:

  • Where: The Olympia School of Guitar (In-Person Only)
  • When: October 9 – November 13
  • Times: Weekly meetings on Mondays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm
  • Tuition: $229 for students and their referred friends, $329 for non-students
  • Enrollment: Maximum of 8 seats available