Never let a temporary defeat get the best of you.

Temporary defeat only means there’s work to be done.

Maybe you need to dedicate more time to practice.

Maybe you need a different strategy.

Maybe you have a bad habit that you don’t even know about.

There’s any number of reasons why you might feel like your guitar playing is not where it should be.

NEVER give up. ALWAYS persevere.

I strongly believe that most people do not achieve what they want because they let themselves believe that they can’t.

I knew a man once who played upright bass almost his entire life. He was an OLD dude.

One day, he had a stroke. He could no longer play.

It didn’t matter.

He learned how to play again.

He didn’t give up even though he couldn’t move his fingers anymore.

No one would have been disappointed in him if he just threw in the towel. If anyone had a valid excuse, it was him.

He didn’t let a stroke late in life stop him.

Don’t let a temporary setback stop you, either.

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